What are the features of WAP Radio Shuttle system?

WAP Radio Shuttle system is a pallet shuttle or pallet mole which converts drive-in pallet racking into a high capacity storage system and at the same time provides greater speed and safety in material handling.

With WAP Technological Solutions Radio Shuttle you will get a greater storage capacity, higher turnover rates and greater flexibility in manoeuvres than with drive-in pallet racking.

  • Radio Shuttle reliable and easy to use

WAP Technological Solutions Radio Shuttle has been cared for down to the last detail. It has a wide range of indicators which light up to show the current manoeuvring state and is remotely controlled by means of an ergonomic radio control. It has an indicator which displays the low battery level and returns automatically to its entry position.

With a high load capacity of up to 1,500kg, WAP radio shuttle provides you with a fast, safe operation. The forklift alignment guides facilitate and speed up the positioning and removal of the radio shuttle at and from the entry points.

The rescue accessories enable a second radio shuttle to bring a unit to the entry position if necessary.

The workstation offers great a great degree of comfort both for maintenance operations and battery recharging.

Getting over the limitations of drive-in pallet racking with the Radio Shuttle

In drive-in racks, the forklift enters the racks, which limits the maximum depth. With the radio shuttle system, the drive-in pallet racking system is not limited and the material handling manoeuvres are much faster and safer. It also permits a greater turnover rate, going from a LIFO system per module to a LIFO system per level. The versatility of WAP radio shuttle also enables it to work with entry points on both sides of the metal racking, so being able to be used both as a LIFO and FIFO system.

What are the features of WAP Radio Shuttle system? - Company News - 1

Radio Shuttle advantages

  • High capacity storage.
  • Eliminating aisles between pallets with a greater turnover rate.
  • Greater speed and safety in pallet manoeuvres.
  • WAP quality and reliability.
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