WAP 정보 | 콘택트 렌즈 |

Stacker Crane and radio shuttle rack system, utilizes the stacker crane to work as both: shuttle carrier and lift, thus achieving a highly efficient space usage solution, with the help of shuttles and conveyors under the control of WMS and WCS, all working together for fully automatic warehouse operation.

  • 제품 특징:
    Stackers carry out the longitudinal and vertical handling while shuttles completing the lateral handling among the rack channels
    Conveying lines complete handling towards entrance/exit ports
    완전 자동 인바운드 및 아웃바운드 작업을 달성하기 위한 WMS 및 WCS 제어 처리 장비
  • Product Properties of Stacker Crane:
    Travel speed: 맥스. 160m/분
    Lifting speed: 맥스. 30m/분
    적재 능력: 맥스. 1500킬로그램
  • 제품 장점:
    More storage capacity than ordinary shuttle arrangement to improve warehouse utilization
    Fully automatic operation to improve system reliability and safety
    균형 잡힌 장비 활용으로 창고 투자 총 비용 절감 & 작업

Shuttle Crane Storage System - High Density Storage - 1


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