Automated Storage And Retrieval System Definition (ASRS Warehouse Storage Solution)

Automatic storage system is a high-level three-dimensional shelves,  stacker, various types of forklifts, storage systems, unmanaged  vehicles, control systems and peripherals composed of automation systems.

Automated storage system
High-level three-dimensional shelves, stacker
Nature automated system
System Overview

Automatic storage system is a high-level three-dimensional shelves, stacker,  various types of forklifts, storage systems, unmanaged vehicles, control  systems and peripherals composed of automation systems. Use  automated storage systems to continuously inspect expired or  inventory-ready products to prevent poor inventory and improve  management. Automated warehousing system can take full advantage of storage space,  through the computer can be realized online control equipment,  first-in-first-out principle, quickly and accurately handle the items,  reasonable inventory management and data processing.

System Components
Automated storage systems generally include stacker, logistics management software, delivery systems, shelving systems.

Stackers  operating automated storage system in the main equipment, the need to  implement a modular design, simple structure, beautiful appearance  design. To  East Japan’s stacker, for example, has the following characteristics:  horizontal and vertical laser ranging, the power part of the German  DEMAG motor reducer, walking device using the German DEMAG combination  of walking wheel, the use of SEW vector intelligent inverter controller Frequency control, the use of Siemens programmable logic controller,  large screen display out of storage and picking operation and so on.

2.automated warehouse management software
Automated warehouse management software requirements is based on a network of  databases, set of information management and industrial monitoring in  one of the professional software. Information Management Subsystem with the company’s monitoring subsystem such as  MRP, ERP fully take into account the security and flexibility. Usually,  the industrial monitoring subsystem will automatically finish the work  of entering and leaving the warehouse by directing the machinery. When  the computer network system breaks down (for example, the hardware of  the network equipment is broken), the ECS can be used as the background  only when the ECS (Equipment Control Server) can work Database server emergency outbound operation. In case of ECS failure, manual operation can be done directly by stacker. Automated warehouse management software should have the following characteristics:

1) The information management subsystem allows multiple workstations to simultaneously enter and exit library tasks. Industrial monitoring subsystem can be attached to multiple ECS.
2) ECS can obtain and process the latest data in real time as long as  the industrial monitoring subsystem has not finished any entry and exit  operations, so that various data of the operation such as the number of  changes, the target storage location and the like can be changed.
3) Through the LAN and the common TCP / IP protocol, it can integrate  with MRP and ERP of the company, receive inbound and outbound tasks,  feedback current inventory, inventory dynamics and work conditions and  other information to provide various reports for designated departments.
4) visualization, graphics reflect the cargo location information,  material movement, work equipment, a variety of state information.
5) Give full consideration to the principle of first-in-first-out of  materials, first-in-first-out operation, light weight on the shelf,  shortest distance of stacker.
6) The same kind of material is reasonably distributed in more than  two roadways, so that when one stacker is broken, the other one can  remove the material.
7) Reasonable deployment of each stacker busy degree.

3. delivery system
Professional conveying equipment including roller, chain, belt leather, non-powered,  movable conveyor system can be applied to the electronics, home  appliances, food, chemical, logistics and product delivery and  distribution center. In  different logistics planning can be based on process layout, the use of  different types of rollers or chain conveyor, and the application of  various auxiliary devices, the material to complete the continuous  transport, accumulation, overturning, sub-poverty, confluence, enhance  and so on. With PC program control system and CPU management system can be considered a complete set of automated conveyor system.

4. digital picking system
With the development of economy and production, the circulation tends to be  more varieties and smaller quantities. Therefore, the types and  quantities of goods delivered by various logistics distribution centers  will increase sharply. The task of sorting goods is very difficult and  the sorting operation has become an important work link . Obviously,  with the increase of sorting quantity, the increase of picking points,  the shortening of picking response time and the improvement of service  quality rely on ordinary sorting methods, such as “summons picking and  so on, will not be able to meet the requirements of large-scale  distribution Requirements.According to the demand of the market, it is very urgent  to develop an electronic label-assisted sorting system for stacked  roller conveyor lines that has a buffer capacity and can be directly  connected to the upstream and downstream production lines to greatly  improve the picking speed and reduce the picking error rate.

Data Picking System (hereinafter referred to as DPS) is a computer-aided  paperless picking system, the principle is to replace the pick list with  LED electronic tags installed on each shelf of the shelves, the use of  computer control will order The  information is transmitted to the electronic label to guide the picking  personnel to complete the picking work correctly, quickly and easily.  After the picking is completed, press the confirm button to finish the  picking work. Computer monitors the entire process and automates the accounting process.

Digital picking system consists of mobile shelves, electronic tags,  stacked roller conveyor line, bar code reader, management and monitoring  system, with the following system features:

1).the electronic tag using advanced signal synthesis technology,  communication signal is carried on the power waveform, the use of  stainless steel light guide transmission power and data signals, wiring  only two cores, all electronic tags are paralleled in a line, unified  connection to the access box In the lower wiring costs.
2).system maintenance is simple. In  the RFID system, a zero-address tag is installed, which can monitor the  operation status of the entire DPS system in real time. When a fault  occurs, the zero-address tag immediately displays the address of the  faulty tag and the cause of the fault for the operator Participate in the need to replace the faulty electronic tags, you do not have to turn off the power, direct hot swap operation.
3).Stacking roller conveyor line provides sufficient buffer capacity. When  a material box is stopped and stopped by a stopper in a selected work  area, the other parts still operate normally. Can be easily docked with the production line.
4).multiple sorting work area parallel operations.
5).After the bin enters the conveyor line, if there is no picking task  in a work area, the information is automatically delivered to the next  working area so that the picking personnel are ready.
6).the implementation of benefits

(1) improve the picking speed and efficiency, reduce the error rate of picking errors. With  easy-to-understand visual storage, the electronic label simplifies  picking operations as three simple actions of “looking, picking, and  pressing.” Reduce the time for picking personnel to think and judge, to reduce  the pick-up error rate and save staff time to find the place where the  goods are stored.
(2) to enhance the efficiency of shipping logistics.
(3) reduce operating costs. In  addition to the improvement of picking efficiency, due to the reduced  proficiency required for picking operations, personnel do not need  special training to get started. To this end, we can introduce part-time workers to reduce labor costs.

Logistics equipment manufacturers in the technical standards to international  par, closely tracking the world’s most advanced logistics technology,  analysis of market demand, continuous innovation, the development of new  products, to meet the needs of the development of the domestic  logistics industry, products and businesses will have vitality. Nitto  companies and South Korea’s Samsung logistics and Japan’s AIOI  logistics system Co., Ltd. organized a comprehensive round of technical  cooperation organizations to absorb the advanced international logistics  technology, integrated domestic logistics development features, has  developed with independent intellectual property rights of automated  warehousing systems and digital Picking system of logistics equipment system.


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